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来源:瑞鼎工程咨询中心 时间:2024-09-22 02:13:41











该报告由南充市节能减排工作领导小组办公室编制,全面分析了南充市 energy consumption patterns and energy efficiency of key industries, and put forward corresponding suggestions and measures for energy conservation and emission reduction.

According to the report, the total energy consumption of Nanchong city increased by 5.5% year on year from 2015 to 2020, mainly due to the rapid development of the manufacturing industry and the transportation industry. However, the energy consumption per unit of GDP decreased by 10.5% during the same period, indicating that the city's energy efficiency has improved significantly.

The report focuses on the energy conservation assessment of key industries in Nanchong city, including textile, electronics, food, and construction materials industries. It was found that the energy consumption per unit of output in these industries decreased by 15 25% compared to the national average level, thanks to the implementation of energy saving technologies and management measures.

In addition, the report also evaluates the energy conservation potential of key urban districts in Nanchong city, including Jialing, Qianfo, and Shunqing districts. It was found that these districts have great potential for energy conservation, as they account for 70% of the city's total energy consumption. The report proposes a series of measures to further improve energy efficiency in these areas, such as strengthening energy management, promoting the use of renewable energy, and encouraging the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

The release of this regional energy conservation assessment report is of great significance for Nanchong city to implement the national energy saving and emission reduction strategy and promote green and low carbon development. In the future, Nanchong city will continue to strengthen energy conservation and emission reduction work, promote the construction of a clean and low carbon energy system, and contribute to the realization of the dual carbon goals.




上一篇: 重庆哪有写项目建议书
下一篇: 南京能源审计报告的公司

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